Thursday 12 September 2013

Another French Institution

Brocantes are a way of life in France. Sometimes they are nothing more than what we would call a car boot sale in Scotland, other times they offer up some gems. It is a matter of being patient and biding your time.

Since I have been living here, I have been to some brocantes where there is nothing but dross on display, other times, there is good quality stuff. The prices can sometimes be on the expensive side - especially when there is a British presence in the area. Haggling is part and parcel of the process and it can sometimes pay dividends.

Civray is a magnet for collectors as the town hosts no less than three good quality brocantes each year. Collectors come from all over the region to seek their treasures here, and experienced dealers jostle shoulders with enthusiastic amateurs. Whether you are seeking grand pieces of authentic French furniture, or simply a pot or two for the kitchen, they are worth a visit.

There are also many other brocantes in the locale which merit attention. They are that popular that a guide is published every year and is available for sale from the local La Maison de la Presse. Folk, in summer, plan their weekends around the various brocantes within easy reach of the homes - and sometimes even further afield.

Vide greniers (translated as empty lofts) are also common in the area. Sometimes they are large affairs. Sometimes, literally just people selling off unwanted clutter from their lofts.


Cart Wheels And All Sorts

Some Better Items - Though Not So Cheap 

Another source of second-hand goods and bric-a-brac in the area which can enhance the home is the Emmaus Community. The local community has a place in Poitiers which I visit on occasions.

Whit Bike?

Nice Kitchen Unit (150€)

Emmaus was founded by Father Henri-Antoine Groues (known as Abbé Pierre) in Paris in 1949. The former Resistance member was also an MP who fought to provide accommodation for the homeless people of Paris. They have many communities throughout France raising funds to help the less fortunate. It is a source of some good bargains.

Lovely Shade Of Blue!!!!!
Click here for slideshow.